SPOTLIGHT: Shannen Sulpizio



IVRT: Tell me how you first got involved with IVRT.

“I found IVRT through the LA County Department of Arts and Culture internship opportunity page. I knew that working with a theatre company was a huge interest of mine since I loved being an active part of my high school's theatre department. I was extremely interested in having a position that would give me the opportunity to gain Public Relations experience. Writing my cover letter for the position just reminded me even more how much I loved environments like IVRT and so it instantly became my first choice for a summer internship position. Interviewing also made me feel so hopeful that I would get the chance to work with everyone this summer. Finding out I got the position was so exciting, and I know this is exactly where I was meant to be working this summer!”

IVRT: Tell me about some of the people you’ve met while working with IVRT?

“I am still fairly new to the team but I have gotten to meet quite a few wonderful team members so far. One of my co-interns Melia was one of the first people I met and she is so lovely. We put up flyers for the open house together and it really felt like we were an instant team. She is so helpful and kind, I know I could count on her for anything. I feel so lucky to work with someone who is both responsible and kind! 

I also have been able to work with Donna Marie which has been an incredible opportunity. She is so welcoming and helpful. Working with her is such a joy. Even when I second guess myself she is reassuring and helpful. It’s so special to see her interact with the community because she really cares about everyone and truly brightens everyone's day.”

IVRT: What would you tell someone who is thinking about getting involved with IVRT?

“Although I am new to the IVRT team, it has been so clear since joining that this position is designed specifically to help interns grow. Getting involved is a wonderful way to expand your horizons and get a chance to make real connections with coworkers and people in the community. If someone was thinking about getting involved they should absolutely give it a chance because everyone is so kind and helpful. I am learning so much from everyone. I truly believe that if you get the opportunity to work with kind people, doing work that interests you, then it is absolutely worth pursuing.” 

IVRT: What might others be surprised to know about you?

“Oh gosh this is a hard one! Maybe that over the past year I have gotten really into walking and now running. It is something that I never would have thought would be a hobby of mine but now I really enjoy. When I was younger I was a total art kid so not athletic at all really. I was always one of the kids who got picked last in team sports or who would hate PE classes. It is very empowering to work up a new strength, especially one that contradicts a negative belief about myself. I think it is super important to remind ourselves that we are really capable of anything, and that just because something may be hard at first, taking small steps to achieve something you want is totally worth it.”

IVRT: How would your friends describe you?

“I think my friends would describe me as full of energy, kind, and thoughtful. Friendship is something I value very strongly so I try to make sure that the people in my life know I value their time and enjoy their company. I am so lucky to have friends in my life who love and respect me.”

IVRT: What’s it like to be an IVRT Intern?

“It is a great internship because you get to make strong connections with the people you work with. It is so lovely to have guidance through projects but also the chance to experiment with my work. I feel like I am really trusted to use my best judgment and given creative freedom in a very rewarding way. I imagine most internships don’t give their interns nearly as much creative liberty, so I feel very lucky in that way. Being able to ask for help and input while also learning to trust my instincts and capability is so special.”

IVRT: What do you do when you aren’t working at IVRT this summer?

“When I am not working this summer I love to be outside enjoying the outdoors. I love hiking, going on walks, and doing yoga in the park. Walking around the Claremont Village and going to the farmers markets brings me so much joy. I live with my best friends and so after work we always make dinner together. Most nights I watch a movie or play a board game with them. This summer I have gotten to spend so much quality time with my housemates, I really couldn’t be more grateful!”