SPOTLIGHT: Vonetta Mixson


Learn more about Vonetta Mixson, an IVRT board member, in this spotlight interview!

IVRT: Tell me how you first got involved with IVRT...

VM: I was introduced to IVRT and the Minanos through our mutual friend Dave Osborne.

IVRT: What do you think makes IVRT unique? 

VM: I think IVRT has a true sense Of community. We have a heart for the Inland Valley and the extremely talented citizens who reside here.

IVRT: If you could change one thing about IVRT, what would it be? 

VM: I don't know that I would necessarily change anything, but my hope is that we continue having an open mind toward change that allows us to be effective in reaching, sustaining and growing our audience base, as well as cultivating ideas that Fulfill the mission of our organization.

IVRT: What do you wish other people knew about IVRT? 

VM: I wish people knew The incredible amount of support that it takes to be an Advocate for the Arts, and how IVRT does an awesome job of creating and nurturing these relationships.

IVRT: Tell me about some of the people you’ve met while working with IVRT.

VM: There are far too many to name, but I will say we are producing theatre that allows my worlds to collide. I have had the pleasure of watching students, college buddies and colleagues perform in varoius roles through IVRT. 

IVRT: Tell me about someone who has influenced your decision to work with IVRT? 

VM: As I mentioned earlier, Dave Osborn was my first reference; I love that man, so his endorsement was a major factor.   The next would be their partnership with the Candlelight Pavilion, which is my home stage. The Bollinger Family is near and dear to my heart.

IVRT: What might others be surprised to know about you? 

VM: I am far more introverted than anyone would ever imagine.

IVRT: What would you tell someone who is thinking about serving on a nonprofit board? 

VM: Understand the meaning of the word SERVE! Make sure you can make an honest commitment to the betterment of the organization you choose.

IVRT: What do you think will change about IVRT, or about live theatre in general, over the next five years?  

VM: Live theatre is taking on more cultural music and storylines. I think we will continue to see Greater depths Of This change. I definitely believe IVRT will continue to grow in all of the best possible ways because of the founders vision, dedicated staff, cast and board.

IVRT: What’s it like to be a board member?

VM:  WORK, but the fulfilling kind! I love the diverse background and perspective of our board. I am happy that they dont just exist in name but they have and exercise "real" decision making authority that supports the vision of the artistic staff while also providing healthy counsel.

IVRT: How would your friends describe you? 

VM: Truthful, Direct, Lovingly Intense, Loyal, and Kind

IVRT: What do you do when you aren’t serving as an IVRT Board member?

VM: I wear many hats the most important being a wife and mom. I summarize my other areas of influence as Encourager, Entrepreneur, Entertainer, and Educator.